Getting Started

Welcome to cFIREsim!

cFIREsim is a simulator which tells you if you're ready for FIRE. It uses historical market data from 1871 to present to calculate how your portfolio would have fared throughout history. If the market does no worse than the great depression, 1970's stagflation, or the dotcom bust, will your money last in retirement?

Enter a few simple inputs to find out!

  • Retirement Year: When will you start withdrawing money from your retirement investments?
  • Retirement End Year: How long will you live?
  • Portfolio Amount: How much do you own currently?
  • Yearly Spending: How much do you expect to withdraw every year?

Hit the "Run Simulation" button, and enjoy your personalized output chart and graph!

Pay particular attention to your "Success Rate". This tells you how many simulations your portfolio survived, versus how many times it ran out.

Ready for more? cFIREsim can determine your portfolio success based on 80 individual variables, multiple types of inflation, multiple types of market returns, and graphically show you the results. Look for help topics along the way to learn more.


Pre-retirement length = {{ data.retirementStartYear - data.simulationStartYear }} years.

Retirement length = {{ data.retirementEndYear - data.retirementStartYear }} years.

Total simulation length = {{ data.retirementEndYear - data.simulationStartYear }} years.

Data Options

Run Simulation
Initial Assets
Spending Plan

Social Security
Label Annual Amount Start Year Inflation Adjusted Inflation Type Inflation Rate
Other Income
Label Annual Amount Recurring Start Year End Year Inflation Adjusted Inflation Type Inflation Rate
Individual Expenses
Label Annual Amount Recurring Start Year End Year Inflation Adjusted Inflation Type Inflation Rate
Run Simulation